Fostering multi-lateral knowledge networks of transdisciplinary studies to tackle global challenges

Project KNOTS (Fostering multi-lateral knowledge networks of transdisciplinary studies to tackle global challenges) was established in October 2016 with the help of a grant by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme. It is the second Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education project that is coordinated by the University of Vienna, the Department of Communication’s project MEDLITbeing the first one. The Department of Development Studies is grateful to both, the co-funder as well as our colleagues from project MEDLIT, who share(d) their knowledge and experiences.

Project KNOTS links partners from five countries to address new challenges in a rapidly changing world. The team members value the relevance of transdisciplinary approaches and close collaboration between the higher education sector and non-academic actors. The project therefore aims at establishing vibrant and dynamic knowledge networks of multi-lateral and transdisciplinary studies. KNOTS will evolve around the topics of social inequality, climate change and migration.

The partners aim to

  • establish three clusters of joint research and teaching activities, each year with a specific thematic and geographical focus, which will contribute to the development and elaboration of teaching manuals and learning material on transdisciplinary comparative research.
  • initiate and nurture a close collaboration with the non-academic sector (private sector, NGOs, politics).

The project outcomes will be made available to team members and the interested public. Several events (summer schools, conferences) throughout the project’s life-time will also be open to interested members of non-participating higher education institutions as well as the wider society.
The project results will be disseminated through various channels. Summarized information about the project and the project results can be found at the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.

The KNOTS-Flyer introduces the project as well and is downloadable here in EnglishThai, and Vietnamese.